Professor Murray Leibbrandt Pro-Vice Chancellor, Poverty and Inequality at the University of Cape Town and the Director of the Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit. He holds the DSD/NRF National Research Chair of Poverty and Inequality Research and is an IZA Research Fellow. His research focusses on South African poverty‚ inequality and labour market dynamics using survey data and‚ in particular‚ panel data. He is currently one of the Principal Investigators on the National Income Dynamics Study. He is a past president of the African Econometric Society and immediate past president of the Economic Society of South Africa.
Fields of Research:
Poverty, inequality and labour markets in South Africa
Curriculum Vitae
PhD., University of Notre Dame, USA Professor School of Economics and Director Southern African Labour and Development Research UnitUniversity of Cape Town
For a more detailed CV, please click here (.PDF) (193 KB) (07/06/2012)