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Professor of Education, University of Sydney

Bachelor of Arts UWA
Diploma of Education UWA
Master of Arts USydney
PhD Ohio State

Murray is a recognised leader in civics and political education and curriculum development within Australia and internationally. He has been appointed to the College of Experts for the European Science Foundation. Over the past two decades he has directed many major research projects such as an ARC-funded project on youth participation in democracy, as well as being chief investigator in many other projects in civics and citizenship education covering:

- Youth Electoral Study
- values, policy and civics education in the Asia-Pacific region
- civics education, assessment and benchmarking
- the first phase of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) international civics study
- schooling, citizens and democracy and the Australian national education goals.

Professor Print has extensive experience in international research projects and has acted as assessor of research grants in Australia (Australian Research Council) and others countries such as Canada (SSHRC), South Africa (NRF), the Netherlands (NWO), Hong Kong (RGC). Murray has conducted many international research projects in civics and citizenship, particularly in Europe and Asia and been a board member of Civitas International, an international civic education organisation.

In 2003 Professor Print was awarded the Centenary Medal for his contributions to civics education and the community. He was a Mercator Visiting Professor (Deutsche Forschungsgmeinschaft) in Germany in 2012 and a Distinguished Fellow Award in 2016 from the School of Critical Studies in Education, University of Auckland for his contribution to Civics and Citizenship Education.

In 2011 Professor Print was appointed to lead the development of the Civics and Citizenship Curriculum for all Australian schools within the Australian Curriculum.The Australian Curriculum Civics and Citizenship was completed in late 2013. He participated in the response to the review of the Australian Curriculum Civics and Citizenship and the final version that was published in 2015.


  • –present
    Professor of Education, University of Sydney