He is currently an Alfred Deakin Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Deakin University (2021-23), and an Australian Defence Force Academy Visiting Fellow at The University of New South Wales (2020-23). He is also the recipient of a 2021 Travelling Fellowship from the Australian Academy of the Humanities. Prior to joining Deakin, he held the 2020 John Denis Fryer Memorial Library for Australian Literature Fellowship at The University of Queensland, and a 2020-22 Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at The University of British Columbia. He earlier taught for more than thirteen years in Australia and the United States, most recently as a lecturer at The University of Melbourne (2017-20). Crossing both cultural and disciplinary divides, he has held honorary and visiting appointments at Bard College, Sciences Po, Linköping University, La Trobe University, Roskilde University, Whitman College, and The New School, where he was an Australia Awards fellow.