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Ni Luh Putu Maitra Agastya

Senior Researcher, Social and Child Protection, PUSKAPA

Agast joined PUSKAPA in 2012 as the Associate for Curriculum Development. Agast has been focusing her work on curriculum development for the child protection concentration at Universitas Indonesia, as well as other areas related to capacity building for child protection practitioners. She became the Technical Lead for Social Protection in 2013. Agast’s current role includes developing PUSKAPA's research and policy advocacy in the area of social protection, looking at associations between poverty, family capacity and child wellbeing. Agast holds a bachelor’s degree in Social Science from Universitas Indonesia and a master’s degree in Social Work from Washington University in St. Louis; she is also a member of the Department of Social Welfare, at Universitas Indonesia.


  • –present
    Technical Lead on Social Protection, Universitas Indonesia


  • 2009 
    Washington University in St. Louis, Social Work