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Nicolette Little, PhD

Assistant lecturer, University of Alberta

Dr. Nicolette Little's research interests include grassroots media interventions in gender-based violence (GBV), mediated memorialization and memory, nostalgia-driven social media platform affordances, and online misogyny.
Nicolette advised the federal government’s Status of Women Committee for its 2017 Violence Against Young Women and Girls (VAYWAG) study and advises national media (e.g., CBC & Toronto Star) as well. Her recent publications include:

* “Social Media ‘Ghosts’: How Facebook (Meta) Memories Complicates Healing for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence” (Feminist Media Studies, 2023)
* "Memorial-Tweeting Ontario's Femicides: Farrah Khan, the 'Montreal Massacre,' and VAW Memorial Practices in Canada" (Canadian Journal of Communication, In Press)
* “GBV-Related Mourning on a Social Network Site: Leah Parsons’ ‘Facebooked’ Grief and the Angel Rehtaeh Parsons Page” (2019).

Last year, she contributed to a CBC podcast, Boys Like Me (2021), on topics related to gendered hate online.
Nicolette has received the United Way’s Top 20 Under 40 Award (2015) and an Everyday Hero Professor’s Award (Sheridan College, 2016) for her educational leadership and consent awareness-raising initiatives. Nicolette’s PhD and MA research were funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada; she is a recipient of provincial and private research grants; and she received national finalist recognition by the Trudeau Foundation of Canada for her leadership, community advocacy, and research efforts.


  • 2024–present
    Professor of Digital Humanities, Sheridan College Institute of Technology
  • 2022–2023
    Assistant Lecturer, University of Alberta
  • 2018–2021
    Instructor of Record, University of Calgary
  • 2009–2015
    Professor, Communications and Literary Studies, Sheridan College


  • 2022 
    University of Calgary, Ph.D.


  • 2024
    Memorial-Tweeting Ontario's Femicides: Farrah Khan, the 'Montreal Massacre', and VAW Memorial Practices in Canada, Canadian Journal of Communication
  • 2023
    Social Media 'Ghosts': How Facebook (Meta) Memories Complicates Healing for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence, Feminist Media Studies
  • 2019
    GBV-related mourning on a social network site: Leah Parsons’ ‘Facebooked’ grief and the Angel Rehtaeh Parsons Page, Feral Feminisms: Critical Interventions in Rape Culture
  • 2017
    Expert witness submission to the Status of Women Committee,

Grants and Contracts

  • 2021
    SSHRC Doctoral Supplement
    Funding Source:
    Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
  • 2020
    University of Calgary Chancellor's Award
    Funding Source:
    University of Calgary
  • 2018
    SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship
    Funding Source:
    Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
  • 2018
    Henry and Laura Jacques Graduate Scholarship
    Funding Source:
    University of Calgary
  • 2017
    Queen Elizabeth II Scholarship
    Funding Source:
    Province of Alberta
  • 2016
    Micas Globalink International Research Award
    Funding Source:
  • 2005
    SSHRC Masters CGS
    Funding Source:
    Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

Professional Memberships

  • Board Member - Discovery House Domestic Violence Prevention Agency
  • Member - PREVNet (Promoting Relationships and Eliminating Violence Network)
  • Member - Society for Cinema and Media Studies
  • Member - Canadian Communication Association


Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (2007, 2018); Top 20 Under 40 (United Way); Trudeau Foundation National Finalist