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Emeritus Professor of Urban Studies, University of Cape Town

My PhD was on racial inequality in South Africa during the Apartheid period. It was published by Routledge as 'Race, Class and the Changing Division of Labour Under Apartheid'

My research addresses debates about occupational and earnings inequality in cities and how it relates to both racial inequality and the geography of inequality. Here is a selection of publications:

Crankshaw, O. (2017) ‘Social Polarisation in Global Cities: Measuring changes in earnings and occupational inequality’, Regional Studies 51(11), pp.1612-1621.

Crankshaw, O. and Borel-Saladin, J. (2014) ‘Does De-Industrialisation Cause Social Polarisation in Global Cities?’, Environment & Planning A 46(9), pp.1852–1872.

Crankshaw, O. (2014) ‘Causal Mechanisms, Job Search and the Labour Market Spatial Mismatch: A realist criticism of the neo-positivist method’, The Journal of Critical Realism 13(5), pp.498–519.

Crankshaw, O. (2012) ‘Deindustrialization, Professionalisation and Racial Inequality in Cape Town’, Urban Affairs Review 48(6), pp.836-862.

Borel-Saladin, J. and Crankshaw, O. (2009) ‘Social Polarisation or Professionalisation? Another look at theory and evidence on deindustrialisation and the rise of the service sector’, Urban Studies 46(3), pp.645-664.

Crankshaw, O. (2008) ‘Race, Space and the Post-Fordist Spatial Order of Johannesburg’, Urban Studies 45(8), pp.1692-1711.

Crankshaw, O. (2005) ‘Class, Race and Residence in Black Johannesburg, 1923-1970’, Journal of Historical Sociology 18(4), pp.353-392.

Beall, J., Crankshaw, O. and Parnell, S. (2002) Uniting a Divided City: Governance and social exclusion in Johannesburg. Earthscan, London.

Crankshaw O. and White, C. (1995) ‘Racial Desegregation and Inner City Decay in Johannesburg’, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 19(4), pp.622-638.


  • –present
    Emeritus Professor of Urban Studies, University of Cape Town


  • 1995 
    University of the Witwatersrand, PhD in Sociology