Rafael R. Ioris is Professor of Latin American History at the History Department and an Affiliated Faculty at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver. He is also a Researcher at the Institute for the Study of the United States in Brazil and author of several articles and book chapters on the history of development in Brazil and other parts of Latin America and on the course of US-Latin American relations, particularly during the Cold War. He is the author Qual Desenvolvimento? Os Debates, Sentidos e Lições da Era Desenvolvimentista. (Paco Editorial, 2017), Transforming Brazil: A History of National Development in the Postwar Era (Routledge, 2014), and Culturas em Choque: a Globalização e os Desafios para a Convivência Multicultural. (Annablume, 2007). He is also the co-editor of Frontiers of Development in the Amazon: Riches, Risks, and Resistances. (Lexington Book, 2020) and of Amazonia no Seculo XXI: Trajetorias, Dilemas e Perspectivas (Alameda, 2022). He has received research and teaching grants from various prestigious institutions such as the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the National Research Council of Brazil, the Research Foundation of the state of Sao Paulo, and the UNC-Duke Consortium on Latin American and Caribbean Studies. He has been a Visiting Professor at the Institute of International Relations at the University of Sao Paulo and at the Institute of Advanced Studies in Latin America (IHEAL) at the Sorbonne University in Paris. He publishes regular pieces on the multiple media outlets in Brazil and the United States on topics on US-Latin American/Brazilian relations, Brazilian foreign policy, and US politics. He is currently a Non-Resident Fellow at the Washington Brazil Office, in DC.