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Associate Professor, University of Pretoria

Rebecca Garland is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography, Geoinformatics, and Meteorology at the University of Pretoria. Prof Garland's background is in atmospheric chemistry, with a focus on air quality and climate change, and science-policy linkages. Her research focus is on improving the understanding of air quality and atmospheric science in southern Africa using multiple data streams. This includes emissions of pollutants, air quality modelling, using ground-based and remote sensing measurements, evidence-based air quality management planning, and the linkages between air quality and climate change in a regional to urban scale.


  • 2022–present
    Associate professor, University of Pretoria
  • 2016–2021
    Principal researcher, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
  • 2011–2016
    Senior reseacher, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research


  • 2006 
    University of Colorado, Boulder, USA, PhD
  • 1997 
    Allegheny College, Meadville, PA, USA, BSc

Professional Memberships

  • National Association for Clean Air
  • South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences
  • American Geophysical Union