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Associate Professor in Pharmacology, Sydney Medical School and Chair, Sydney Medical School Gender Equity Committee, University of Sydney

Renae Ryan received her PhD from the University of Sydney in 2004. After working as a postdoctoral fellow at Columbia University and the National Institutes of Health in the USA, Renae returned to the University of Sydney and was appointed as Associate Professor in the Sydney Medical School in 2010. She leads a research team that investigates molecular pumps that transport amino acids into cells and designs novel compounds that target these pumps to treat diseases such as chronic pain and cancer. Renae is Chair of the Gender Equity Committee and the Early Career Researcher Network in the Sydney Medical School. She is passionate about improving Gender Equity in STEMM and dedicated to mentoring young researchers. She has received several prestigious awards and fellowships including a NSW Tall Poppy Award and a National Health and Medical Research Council Career Development Fellowship.


  • –present
    Associate Professor in Pharmacology, Sydney Medical School and Chair of the Sydney Medical School Gender Equity Committee, University of Sydney


  • 2004 
    University of Sydney, PhD Medicine