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Ruhmaniyati earned an undergraduate degree in regional economics from the Bogor Agricultural University (Institut Pertanian Bogor).

- Testing SME Methods for Generating Nutrition Maps in Indonesia
- Kajian Awal Pelaksanaan Program Elektronik Warung Gotong Royong Kelompok Usaha Bersama Program Keluarga Harapan (e-Warong Kube-PKH)
- INOVASI: Diagnostic Study on Sub-national Education in Indonesia
Field and Process Monitoring of PKKPM-P2B 2015-2016
- A Study on Teacher Absenteeism


- Child Multidimensional Poverty in Indonesia
- The Role of Social Protection Programs in Reducing the Impact of the Global Financial Crisis 2008/2009
- Implementation of the 2007 Certification Program for Practicing Teachers: A Case Study of Jambi, West Java, and West Kalimantan Provinces


  • –present
    Researcher, SMERU Research Institute