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PhD Student, School of Population and Public Health, University of British Columbia

Samuel Tobias is a PhD student and Canada Graduate Scholarship recipient at the University of British Columbia’s School of Population and Public Health, and a graduate research assistant at the BC Centre on Substance Use. He is an experienced drug-checking technician who, in his role as Research Data Coordinator for the BC Centre on Substance Use’s Drug Checking Project, oversaw the collection and reporting of drug-checking data across the province. Since 2018, Samuel has been educating drug-checking technicians in BC and developed the province's technical training curriculum. He is particularly interested in how changes in the drug supply over time affect people's health.


  • 2022–present
    Graduate Research Assistant, BC Centre on Substance Use
  • 2018–2022
    Research Data Coordinator, BC Centre on Substance Use


    University of British Columbia, Doctor of Philosophy
  • 2016 
    University College London, Master of Science
  • 2015 
    University of Western Ontario, Bachelor of Science (Hons.)


  • 2024
    Local Impact From International Crises: Unregulated Drug Toxicity During the COVID-19 Pandemic in British Columbia, Canada, American Journal of Public Health
  • 2022
    Time-series Analysis of Fentanyl Concentration in the Unregulated Opioid Drug Supply in a Canadian Setting, American Journal of Epidemiology
  • 2020
    Xylazine Identified in the Unregulated Drug Supply in British Columbia, Canada, Canadian Journal of Addiction
  • 2020
    Drug Checking Identifies Counterfeit Alprazolam Tablets, Drug and Alcohol Dependence

Professional Memberships

  • Society for Epidemiologic Research