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Professor of medieval German literature, UCL

Seb Coxon is Professor of medieval German literature at the School of European Languages, Culture and Society, UCL. His principal research interests are (1) characterization in medieval narrative (hair, beards and baldness); (2) short comic narratives of the later Middle Ages; (3) laughter, jest and ridicule in courtly and urban culture; (4) medieval drama; (5) Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzival. He is currently working on: a monograph concerning charcterization in medieval narrative (hair, beards and baldness); a complete translation of 13C and 14C 'Mären' (as part of Cologne/ Tübingen 'Versnovellistik' project); and a bilingual edition of Heinrich Bebel's Libri facetiarum (1508; 1512)


  • –present
    Reader in German, UCL