Dr Serena Trowbridge is Reader in Victorian Literature at Birmingham City University. She is Vice-President of the Pre-Raphaelite Society and former Editor of their journal. Recent publications include My Ladys Soul: The Poetry of Elizabeth Siddall (Victorian Secrets: 2018), 'Elizabeth Siddall' in the Palgrave Encyclopaedia of Victorian Women’s Writing, ed. Lisa Scholl (Palgrave 2020), ‘The Gothic in Victorian Poetry’ for The Cambridge Companion to the History of the Gothic, ed. Dale Townshend (CUP 2020), and ‘Elizabeth Siddall: Pre-Raphaelitism, Poetry, Prosody’ in Defining Pre-Raphaelite Poetics ed. Heather Bozant Witcher and Amy Kahrmann Huseby (Palgrave 2020). She recently co-edited (with Dinah Roe) Victoriographies, a special issue in April 2020 to mark the 150th anniversary of Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s Poems, and contributed an essay, ‘The very sky and sea-line of her soul’: Nature, Destruction and Desire in Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s Poems’.