I'm a scientist by training and a communicator by nature- I enjoy my research in plant genetics almost as much as I love talking to people about science. I've graduated from UIUC with my bachelors in molecular and cellular biology, and am pursuing my Ph. D. in Genetics and Genomics with a concentration in plant genetics currently. My research is centered around plant chromosome structure and dynamics, as well as conserved molecular processes like recombination. I've served in several past writing and communication positions, including Communications Assistant for my undergrad department for several years and serving as an assistant editor and writer for the science zine produced through the student newspaper at U of I. As a graduate student I founded and run a science podcast through my program called Blue Genes and Boots, and have continued to write for my personal science blog The Social Scientist. I'm familiar with most biological concepts from molecular genetics, to cells and development, to phylogenetics and evolution. Though I study plant genetics now, I have experience as a cancer researcher, a microbial geneticist, and a field botanist as well.