Srikanth Saripalli is the Co-Director for Center for Autonomous Vehicles and Sensor Systems (CANVASS) at Texas A&M University. His research focuses on robotic systems: particularly in air and ground vehicles and necessary foundations in perception, planning and control for this domain. He is the session chair for the American Helicopter Society Unmanned VTOL and RotorCraft Forum, 2018, the Program Chair for International Conference on Unmanned Aerial Systems 2015, a Senior Member of IEEE and a Member of AIAA. He is currently interested in developing and deploying Autonomous Shuttles on campus and in cities. In his lab ( he is developing fleets of autonomous vehicles that are shared and electric. He has deployed these autonomous shuttles on a hotel campus and is currently deploying these shuttles on Texas A&M campus. He is also interested in developing such autonomous shuttles for mobility challenged and para transit applications.