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Steve Ogden-Barnes

Industry fellow, Graduate School of Business, Deakin University

Following a diverse career in UK retailing, I moved to Australia in 2002 to specialise in retail education, industry engagement and research. I have recently taken up a position as the first Retail Industry Fellow at Deakin University Graduate School of Business, developing stronger links with industry and conducting PhD research into marketing decision making and sales promotion management. In addition, I am supporting the development of the new Graduate Certificate in Retailing Management at Deakin.

I am currently researching a book on men and shopping.

In terms of media presence, I am a regular interviewee for The AFR, The Age, The Australian, The Herald Sun, BRW, ABC Radio and Today Tonight on retail and consumer issues.


  • 2010–present
    Retail Industry Fellow, Deakin University


  • 1997 
    Manchester Metropolitan University, MA in Retail Management