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Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Sydney

I am a postdoctoral research fellow at the Centre for International Security Studies at the University of Sydney, currently working on the centre's Quantum Meta-Ethics project. My research focuses on geopolitics, imperial history, and the US-China relationship. I also write regularly on international affairs, politics, and cultural issues in Australian and international media. My most recent book is Terminus: Westward Expansion, China, and the End of American Empire.


  • 2021–present
    Research fellow, The Centre for International Security Studies


  • 2021 
    University of Sydney, Doctor of Philosophy
  • 2011 
    University of Sydey, Master of International Relations


  • 2024
    “Quantum 3.0”: What Will It Mean for War, Peace, and World Order?, Global Perspectives
  • 2023
    Terminus: Westward Expansion, China, and the End of American Empire, Johns Hopkins University Press
  • 2020
    The ‘Asia threat’ in the US–Australia relationship: then and now, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific
  • 2016
    A servant is not greater than his master: American primacy in Australian security, Hearts and Minds: US Cultural Management in 21st Century Foreign Relations