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Chair in Disability and Inclusion, Deakin University

Susan Balandin is a Fellow of Speech Pathology Australia, and Fellow of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Professor Balandin's research and teaching has centred on the role of communication in facilitating community participation with a particular focus on augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). A speech pathologist by background she has a clinical and research concern for people with life long disability who have or are at risk of developing dysphagia (swallowing disorders)
With colleagues she has developed a suite of on line post graduate course in Disability and Inclusion at Deakin University
She is an adjunct Professor at Edith Cowan University and NTNU, Norway and a docent at the University of Helsinki.
She is a past editor of the Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, an Associate Editor of the International Journal of Speech Language Pathology and is a member of several international editorial boards. She is on a number of grant review panels, including the ARC as an international expert and FWO in Belgium.


  • –present
    Chair in Disability and Inclusion, Deakin University