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Emeritus Professor of Law, University of Sydney

Terry Carney AO (LL.B.(Hons), Dip. Crim. (Melb), Ph.D.(Mon)) is Emeritus Professor of Law at the Law School, University of Sydney (where he was a long-serving Director of Research and past Head of Department) and Visiting Research Professor at the University of Technology, Sydney. A Fellow of the Australian Academy of Law, he is a past President (2005-2007) of the International Academy of Law and Mental Health, and chaired Commonwealth bodies such as the National Advisory Council on Social Welfare and of the Board of the Institute of Family Studies, along with various State enquiries on child welfare, adult guardianship and health law.
The author of nearly a dozen books/monographs and over 200 academic papers, his recent books include: Carney, T., D. Tait, J. Perry, A. Vernon and F. Beaupert, Australian Mental Health Tribunals: Space for fairness, freedom, protection & treatment? (Sydney: Themis/NSWLaw Foundation, 2011, i-xi, 1-353); Managing Anorexia Nervosa: Clinical, Legal & Social Perspectives on Involuntary Treatment (New York: Nova Science, 2006); Social Security Law and Policy (Sydney: Federation press, 2006) and Bennett, B., Carney, T., & Karpin, I. (eds), The Brave New World of Health. Federation Press, 2008.


  • –present
    Emeritus Professor of Law, University of Sydney


  • 1980 
    Monash University, PhD in law