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Professor of Healthcare Systems, Brunel University of London

Terry Young is Professor of Healthcare Systems, and has an unusual breadth of experience, strong management, teaching and research credentials, forged over 12½ years in academia and 16½ years in industry. His teaching interests include the development of progressive grading strategies and the alignment of information systems with the business of better and blended teaching at scale.

In terms of high-impact collaborations, he has a track record of forming and leading talented teams from many universities to pursue exceptional visions. The EPSRC Innovative Manufacturing Research Centre, MATCH, and the EPSRC feasibility project, RIGHT, have helped him develop leadership skills with groups of powerful and independent thinkers, skills that he is seeking to promote, for instance, with the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education. He is a cofounder of the Cumberland Initiative and the Health Service Journal ranked him in its Top 50 Innovators in the NHS in 2013.


  • –present
    Professor of Healthcare Systems, Brunel University London