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Associate professor, Department of History, Western University

Thomas Peace is a historian of colonialism in early Canada and co-director of the Huron Community History Centre.

As a Researcher, he studies how diverse Black, Indigenous, English, and French communities interacted with each other, and made Home, in Northeastern North America during the eighteenth and early nineteenth century.

As a Learner, he reflects upon the relationship individuals and communities have to the spaces and places that define the world in which they live.

As a Teacher, he draws upon Open Educational Resources and Open Pedagogies, to emphasize the importance of understanding how both historical and archival contexts shape our past, present, and future.

As a Facilitator, his goal is to empower and equip people with the tools they need to preserve, interpret, and share their own histories.

At the core, Peace believes that studying the past helps situate ourselves in our present and better plan for the future. Good history is produced for, by, and with communities, something he has learned from friends in L’Arche Homefires, Daybreak, and London.

To do this work, Peace teaches history as an Associate Professor at Huron University College. He is one of the founding editors of, a web-based project aiming to make academic history more accessible to broader audiences. With Sean Kheraj he edits The Open History Seminar. And, as co-director of the Huron Community History Centre, he also manages the Hidden Histories of Southwestern Ontario project.


  • 2020–present
    Associate Professor, Huron University College
  • 2014–2020
    Assistant Professor, Huron University College