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Yaron Finkelstein

Professor of Pediatrics, Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Toronto

Dr. Finkelstein is a Professor of Pediatrics, Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Toronto, a Senior Clinician-Scientist at The Hospital for Sick Children, and an adjunct scientist at ICES. He hold a Tier I Canada Research Chair in Paediatric Drug Safety and Efficacy. Dr. Finkelstein is triple-trained in toxicology, clinical pharmacology and pediatric emergency medicine. His research focuses on optimizing therapeutics in children, poisonings and adverse drug reactions, employing epidemiological tools and clinical trials. His research was funded by the NIH, CDC, Harvard Catalyst and CIHR. Dr. Finkelstein has authored close to 200 peer-reviewed articles (e.g., New England Journal of Medicine, Nature Communications, JAMA, Lancet journals), which have been cited >6,500 times. He holds international and national research leadership roles including the Chief Medical Officer for NIH’s Pediatric Trials Network at Health Canada. He recently presented his work on cannabis at the CDC and Health Canada and is drafting the Canadian Paediatric Society Position Statement on Medical Cannabis use in children.