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Professor of Plant Science, University of Connecticut

Yi Li is a professor in the Department of Plant Science, University of Connecticut. He received his B.S. degree from Beijing Forestry University, and his Ph.D. from College of Environmental Science and Forestry, State University of New York, Syracuse. He had his postdoctoral training at University of Missouri-Columbia. He served as an assistant professor at Kansas State University, and then assistant, associate and full professor at the University of Connecticut. He is a fellow of American Horticulture Society.

Dr. Li’s research has been in the areas of plant physiology, biotechnology and breeding. Dr. Li has published 97 research articles, reviews or book chapters, discoveries being incorporated into seven textbooks, and highlighted by “Faculty of 1000." Dr. Li has developed a number of transgenic technologies including seedless fruit technology, gene deletor technology, and grafting enhancing technology, and a number of new horticultural plant cultivars such as sterile non-invasive burning bush and low mowing frequency turf and lawn grasses. He has received more than $8 million research grants and delivered 152 invited conference lectures and seminars. His research accomplishments have been extensively covered by newspapers, TV stations, radio stations, online news media vehicles, magazines, He was a panel member for several federal agencies including NIH, USDA, NASA and DOE, and currently is as an associate editor for four intentional scientific journals.


  • –present
    Professor of Plant Science, University of Connecticut