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Articles on Cap and trade

Displaying 1 - 20 of 27 articles

Afforestation is one way to offset greenhouse gas emissions. Yet it is not always easy to navigate the different types of projects or methods available, and the possibility of greenwashing is ever-present. (Shutterstock)

Carbon credits are useful for stabilizing the climate, but are they used effectively?

Offsetting greenhouse gas emissions can be an effective tool for limiting global warming. But many offset projects fail to meet their GHG reduction targets.
Is the EU’s new legislation a coup de grâce or a promise of transition for sensitive sectors in fragile countries, such as the steel industry in Bosnia-Herzegovina? Elvis Barukcic/AFP

Is Europe’s new carbon border tax fair for everyone?

Already lacking the means to decarbonise their industry or turn to greener alternatives, poor countries could also be deprived of revenues from exports to Europe.
After a six-month delay, the Supreme Court of Canada is hearing arguments against the federal carbon pricing system. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld

Supreme Court case on carbon price is about climate change, not the Constitution

The Paris climate change agreement aims to limit global warming to 1.5C above pre-industrial temperatures — and the federal carbon pricing plan was meant to help Canada meet its commitments.
The time has come to accept that energy corridors and fossil fuel exports will be a declining feature of Canada’s economic future. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jeff McIntosh

The economic illusions of the Canadian election

In the aftermath of the election, what is striking about many of the policy positions of Canada’s federal parties is their timidity, especially when it comes to climate change.
If citizens think they’ll personally and financially benefit from a carbon tax, maybe politicians would take action. Thomas Hafeneth/Unsplash

Want citizens to care about climate change? Write them a cheque

Millions of people worldwide are either indifferent to a carbon tax or opposed. If citizens were motivated by potential carbon dividends, maybe politicians would finally take action on climate change.
Ontario Premier Doug Ford announces his plan to keep the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station in operation until 2024, in this June 2018 photo. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Nathan Denette)

Doug Ford’s energy shake-up could cost Ontario

Ontario Premier Doug Ford seems intent on dismantling the previous government’s energy strategy. But that may not protect consumers.
Ontario Premier Doug Ford, seen here walking on the front lawn of the Ontario Legislature in June, is vowing to deliver on his campaign promise to scrap the “disastrous” cap-and-trade system and fight a federal carbon tax. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Frank Gunn

Taxpayers will back a carbon tax if they get a cheque in the mail

Ontario and Saskatchewan are vociferously fighting the federal government’s carbon tax efforts. But rather than back down, Ottawa should embrace a simple, fair and transparent “carbon dividend.”
Suncor’s plant in the oilsands in Fort McMurray Alta. Divesting in fossil fuels can not only help combat climate change, but can also increase investors’ returns, according to a new analysis. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jason Franson

Want a richer pension? Divest of fossil fuels

A recent study suggests that divesting in fossil fuels not only allows investors to address their climate change concerns, it also reduces financial risks and increases financial returns.

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