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Articles on Climate change

Displaying 6801 - 6820 of 6975 articles

A bigger hole in the ozone layer over Northern Hemisphere countries could mean more UV damage to humans, animals and plants. Flickr/cdsessums

Arctic ozone hole grew at record speed in 2011

A hole in the Arctic ozone layer grew at unprecedented levels this year, a new study has found, exposing densely populated northern hemisphere countries to potentially harmful levels of UV radiation. The…
Around 50% of Canada’s ice shelf has disappeared in the last six years, researchers say. Denis Sarrazin, ArcticNet/Centre d'Etudes Nordiques

Canadian ice shelves halve in six years

Half of Canada’s ancient ice shelves have disappeared in the last six years, researchers have said, with new data showing significant portions melted in the last year alone. The rate at which ice melts…
What is Australia’s responsibility for low-lying neighbours like Palau? CasaDeQueso

See you in court: the rising tide of international climate litigation

The Pacific Island State of Palau recently announced it will seek an Advisory Opinion from the International Court of Justice (ICJ), asking whether countries have a responsibility to avoid their emissions…
The climate change “debate” bears the stains of Orwellian interference.

An Orwellian climate

“Everyone is entitled to his own opinions, but not to his own facts” – Senator Daniel Moynihan Science is a systematic, evidence-based, testable and self-correcting way of investigating the world. This…
As Australia gets warmer and drier, koalas will struggle to survive. JSFauxtography

Koalas, people and climate change: not a good mix

On 22 September, a Senate inquiry released its report, The koala - saving our national icon. The inquiry made 19 recommendations, and called for more funding for koala research. The environment minister…

Oceans can hide global warming for a decade

Computer simulations of global climate have shown that the planet’s oceans can mask the presence of global warming for as…
Grape growers are already suffering emotional stress because of climate change. ryanovineyards/Flickr

Positive mental health key to tackling rural climate change

Mental health has been an issue in rural areas for the past few decades. Climate change will only add more stress to the lives of rural people. While a report by the Climate Institute shows broad scale…
Indian climate policy expert Dr Kirit Parikh says developed countries should take the lead on reducing global greenhouse gas emissions. Jamie North/PARDALOTE PHOTOGRAPHY

Global climate: India says Australian carbon tax a ‘useful’ idea

A top environmental adviser to the Indian government has described the Gillard government’s proposed carbon tax as an “interesting mechanism” that may be useful for Indian climate policy makers. With annual…
Science follows certain procedures, but does the media get the signal? CSIRO

Diamond planets, climate change and the scientific method

Recently my colleagues and I announced the discovery of a remarkable planet orbiting a special kind of star known as a pulsar. Based on the planet’s density, and the likely history of its system, we concluded…
China says it has encouraged a domestic renewable energy industry and is now planning a pilot emissions trading scheme. Flickr/Land Rover Our Planet

Global climate: China eyes Australian ETS model

As the Gillard government prepares to introduce its carbon price legislation to parliament, senior environment policy advisers from big emitters China and India have said they are watching closely Australia’s…

Arctic ice at its lowest

Arctic sea ice coverage is at its lowest since observations began in 1972. Ice coverage in the Arctic has declined by 11…

Look at grain type when reducing emissions

A study which looked at how farm practices affect nitrous oxide levels has found it depends on the crops. Nitrous oxide is…

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