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Articles on Central banks

Displaying 121 - 140 of 144 articles

South Africans take their cue from what Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan says about the country’s economic outlook. Reuters/Mike Hutchings

Economic forecasting: why it matters and why it’s so often wrong

Forecasts are crucial for all economic and business activity. But looking into the future involves uncertainty and risk. Forecasts may be inaccurate, which creates a serious dilemma for policy makers
The rand’s current weakness can be attributed to a myriad of structural problems facing South Africa’s economy. Reuters

Explainer: how currency markets work and why the South African rand is falling

Like any commodity, the value of the rand is determined by the market forces of supply and demand. Its weakening is also affected by a myriad of structural problems facing the South African economy.
Nelson Mandela with his predecessor FW de Klerk. Tough questions are being raised about the compromises Mandela made for South Africa’s transition to democracy. Reuters/Peter Andrews

Why South Africa should undo Mandela’s economic deals

South Africa’s transition into democracy involved compromises that left white privilege intact and black poverty undiminished. Here are a dozen of Mandela’s economic deals that need to be undone.
Reserve Bank of India Governor Raghuram Rajan has taken a no-nonsense approach to curbing inflation. Danish Siddiqui/Reuters

India debates monetary policy in shadow of US rate rise

Monetary policy involves more than managing inflation, which is why it sometimes takes a committee to decide interest rates.
Money is much more than just bank notes and coins issued by central banks. EPA/Aaron Ufumeli

Explainer: the real role of banks in money creation

The misguided belief that banks create money out of nothing has generated public anger with organisations and individuals calling for an overhaul of the system and an end to money creation by banks.
Hamilton’s political enemies unduly tarnished his legacy. 'Hamilton' via

It’s all about the Hamiltons, baby

Alexander Hamilton’s story is our story. It would be a mistake to remove him from the $10 bill.
South African Reserve Bank Governor Lesetja Kganyago is the third since the bank adopted a more transparent way of operating. Reuters/Siphiwe Sibeko

Clearing up the mystique of central banking

The South African Reserve Bank is a fine example of clear communication of the decision whether to hold, increase, or decrease interest rates. It also gives clear signals of future decisions.
Implementing monetary policy is like treating a patient. A central bank needs the freedom to choose which instrument will work best. from

Auditing the Federal Reserve is a frightening idea. Here’s why

The desire of some lawmakers to subject the Fed to extra scrutiny betrays a misunderstanding of central bank independence and monetary policy.
The People’s Bank of China recently cut interest rates to stimulate the economy. But it probably won’t fix the real problem. Reuters

China’s interest rate cut is mixed blessing for the world economy

China’s central bank surprised most observers last month when it announced its first interest rate cut in more than two years. The move is intended to bolster growth in the world’s second-largest economy…
The collapse of Lehman Brothers was a pivotal moment in the most recent financial crisis. The next crash may feature another bank failure. Reuters

What will the next financial crisis look like – and are we ready?

The subprime crisis and the subsequent failure of Lehman Brothers came as such a shock – and the repercussions were so severe that when the time came to mount a response, policy makers were as surprised…
There are high hopes that the new head of the Fed, Janet Yellen, will change the culture at the central bank and the lenders it regulates. IMF/Flickr via CC BY-NC-ND

Banking tail often wags the Fed’s regulatory dog

Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen has her work cut out for her if she hopes to change the culture at the world’s most important central bank. Media reports abound with evidence that the financial industry…
Janet Yellen will make waves next year. International Monetary Fund

What will happen when the US Fed starts hiking rates?

As the US economy emerges from recession, the prospect of the US Federal Reserve raising interest rates grabs the attention of the financial markets more and more. US rates have been close to zero for…

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