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Articles on Childhood trauma

Displaying 1 - 20 of 52 articles

Recent advances in research on human development, and brain science in particular, have revealed that traumatic childhood literally changes the human body, affecting brain development. (Shutterstock)

There is an urgent need to prevent the lifelong damage caused by adverse childhood experiences

The impact of early childhood trauma on lifelong physical and mental health makes it urgent to invest in programs to support healthy pregnancies and stable, caring very early childhoods.
One form of domestic abuse involves a parent breaking their child’s connection with the other parent. Mikhail Seleznev/iStock/Getty Images Plus

When parents turn children into weapons, everybody loses

Some parents engage in domestic abuse by influencing their children to fear, dislike or distrust their other parent. What happens next is a cascade of losses.
One child in three is physically or sexually abused or witnesses violence between adults in their home. Other adversities including emotional neglect, living in an unsafe neighbourhood or experiencing prejudice and bullying are even more common. (iStock)

Childhood adversity is a ‘cause of causes’ of adult illnesses and mental health problems

One in three children experiences abuse or neglect. These adverse events increase lifelong risks for chronic diseases and mental health issues, creating a public health hazard hiding in plain sight.
Mourners gather at the site of the attack on a Muslim family in London, Ontario. After tragedy, there is no one way to recover from trauma. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Brett Gundlock

A child psychiatrist who knew those killed in the London terror attack offers advice on helping kids deal with trauma

Racial trauma in society has been challenging for all of us, especially children and teens. There are practical steps we can all take to help ourselves and our kids heal.
Courts have failed to understand the role childhood trauma can play in adult criminal behaviour. (Shutterstock)

Criminal justice needs a better understanding of childhood trauma

The execution of Lisa Montgomery in the U.S. earlier this year demonstrates how society misunderstands the effects of mental illness and trauma on criminal behaviour.
To protect students and communities across the U.S. from COVID-19, many districts have switched to digital learning or a hybrid of in-classroom and virtual schooling. ZEPHYR/Getty Images

Stressful times are an opportunity to teach children resilience

Children struggle amidst adversity, but these tumultuous and highly emotional times make it a critical time to teach ‘resilience’ – giving kids coping skills.
A significant break in the school year could have a devastating impact on the motivation and learning of vulnerable students. (Shutterstock)

4 strategies to support vulnerable students when schools reopen after coronavirus

School closures under coronavirus have raised significant risks for vulnerable students who face maltreatment and exposure to violence. Here are five priorities to address when reopening schools.

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