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Articles on Climate science

Displaying 121 - 140 of 248 articles

The ocean absorbs about 90 percent of the excess heat produced as climate change warms the earth. Image Catalog

New findings on ocean warming: 5 questions answered

According to a new study, the oceans have absorbed more heat from climate change than previously thought. This could mean the Earth will warm even faster in the future than scientists have predicted.
The scientific drilling ship JOIDES Resolution arrives in Honolulu after successful sea trials and testing of scientific and drilling equipment. IODP

Scientists have been drilling into the ocean floor for 50 years – here’s what they’ve found so far

The ocean floor holds unique information about Earth’s history. Scientific ocean drilling, which started 50 years ago, has yielded insights into climate change, geohazards and the key conditions for life.
Long’s Peak framed by rock outcrop, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. Roy Luck

Nitrogen from rock could fuel more plant growth around the world – but not enough to prevent climate change

Scientists have long thought most nitrogen in Earth’s ecosystems comes from the air, but new research shows it also is released as rocks weather. This could boost plant growth and help sequester carbon – but not fast enough to avert climate change, as some pundits have claimed.
Scientists on Arctic sea ice in the Chukchi Sea, surrounded by melt ponds, July 4, 2010. NASA/Kathryn Hansen

Melting Arctic sends a message: Climate change is here in a big way

Climate change is transforming the Arctic, with impacts on the rest of the planet. A geographer explains why he once doubted that human actions were causing such shifts, and what changed his mind.
Dust storms in the Gulf of Alaska, captured by NASA’s Aqua satellite. NASA

Half of Earth’s satellites restrict use of climate data

There are more satellites than ever before, orbiting Earth and collecting data that’s crucial for scientists. Why do some nations choose not to share that data openly?
Trust is everything. oneinchpunch/

Climate scientists and policymakers need to trust each other (but not too much)

Politicians are always being told to trust what climate scientists are telling them. But can you have too much of a good thing? What happens when the exchange of ideas becomes too cosy?
By the age of 16, most teenagers have already made up their mind about climate change. from

Why we’re building a climate change game for 12-year-olds

Players in the climate science game ‘CO2peration’ become a particle of sunlight, and travel on a journey to find out why we have liquid water at Earth’s surface.
The Day After Tomorrow’s apocalyptic depiction of climate change is a little embellished. But such storylines can ignite conversations with people that mainstream science fails to reach. 20th Century Fox

Can ‘cli-fi’ actually make a difference? A climate scientist’s perspective

Climate scientists often bombard their audiences with facts and figures - a method of communication that often doesn’t work. Perhaps this is where cli-fi can step in, with its compelling characters and just slightly embellished science.

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