Owens reaches million of people online and wants to do five shows across Australia, but there are calls to deny her entry. Here’s what the federal government has to consider.
Conspiracy theories aren’t based so much on objective facts, but rather through often loosely connected bits of information. That makes them potent sources of misinformation.
Politicians and other influential actors are amplifying conspiratorial content – potentially contributing to increased distrust in the US political system.
New Age beliefs, alternative wellness practices and political conspiracies all fall under the umbrella of stigmatized knowledge, which can be attractive to anyone, no matter their political leanings.
As vegan meat companies lose revenue, one company is trying a new packaging approach to bring in new consumers. But this step is unlikely to help end the ‘Meat Culture War.’
Most social media PR blurb is designed to convince the public these tech companies are a benign force for good. What the public really needs is a public service internet.
A professor shows science students how humanities classes are the real stem that other disciplines sprout from. They learn that critical thinking and skepticism don’t stop when they leave the lab.
Rural white people have long held disproportionate power in US politics. But polls suggest their commitments to the American political system are eroding.
A scholar of history of education and American politics explains what is behind his course on conspiracy theories and how students learn to debunk fake ideas.
False ideas about the extinction of the white race, spread around the late 19th and early 20th centuries, gave rise to xenophobic and anti-immigration conspiracy theories.
Russian disinformation expert Ilya Yablokov tells The Conversation Weekly podcast about the president’s shifting relationship with conspiracy theories.