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Articles on COVID-19

Displaying 7281 - 7300 of 7974 articles

The operating room at the Whole Woman’s Health clinic in Fort Worth, Texas, Sept. 4, 2019. Texas says abortions are nonessential during coronavirus. AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez)

Delaying ‘nonessential’ abortions during coronavirus crisis endangers women’s health and financial future

Seven states are moving to ban abortions, along with other ‘elective’ medical services, during the coronavirus crisis. But delaying or denying abortions can do serious health and financial harm.
Rent strikers from Toronto’s Parkdale neighbourhood and fellow protesters gather outside Social Justices Tribunal Ontario in February, 2018. The group refused to pay rent after the landlord applied for an increase in rents. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chris Young

Coronavirus pandemic is an opportunity to create affordable cities

It’s time to reset Canada’s housing policies to make cities more affordable and more socially just places to live.
The guidance on masks appears to be shifting, but social distancing is still the key step people can take. Muhammad Fayyaz Rub/

Should we wear masks or not? An expert sorts through the confusion

The CDC is reconsidering its policy about the widespread public’s use of masks, as is the World Health Organization. Here are the facts about when it’s appropriate to wear a mask – and what kind.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau addresses Canadians on the COVID-19 pandemic from Rideau Cottage in Ottawa on March 26, 2020. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

The limits of Canada’s federal emergency law during the coronavirus pandemic

Given the structural limitations of Canadian federalism, the use of the Emergencies Act during the coronavirus pandemic could cause conflict between provincial and federal governments.

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