Derek Epp, The University of Texas at Austin and Megan Dias, The University of Texas at Austin
The case of Tyre Nichols highlights how traffic stops can turn deadly. Traffic stops are also prone to racial bias, can break down community trust in police and yield few results, research shows.
Attempts to reform US police departments fail when they are unable to get community support. Perhaps it is time to take a different tack, argue two criminal justice scholars – one a former cop.
A political scientist says the protests against police violence that have swept the US signal welcome social change – and could dramatically alter the work she’s done for five years.
Historically black colleges account for only 3% of all colleges and universities. But, even today, 20% of black Americans earn their degrees at these schools.
Two criminologists long associated with the University of Missouri – St Louis dispel myths about Ferguson, a community that borders the campus, and explain what’s behind the violent protests there.
A movement grew out of Michael Brown’s death one year ago. The people in #BlackLivesMatter want us to fully witness violence against black youth. Their tools are cell phones and social media.
Black students get suspended or expelled at a rate three times greater than white students. The cost: they fall behind in school, and the cycle of poverty and failure is perpetuated.