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Articles on Hindu

Displaying 21 - 29 of 29 articles

Julie Pimentel

Can yoga be Christian?

A scholar explains how yoga is being Christianized in different parts of the world. But some Hindus and Christians argue that yoga is fundamentally Hindu.
A Hindu devotee prepares to participate in a fire-walking ceremony to honour the goddess Draupadi in Durban in 2011. Reuters/Rogan Ward

Behind the God-swapping in the South African Indian community [part 1]

Since the 1920s Pentecostal churches have had a major impact in South Africa’s Indian community. Their converts have grown larger than all the other Christian denominations put together.
Some, but not all, of Kenya’s churches are opposed to the formal recognition of atheists. Reuters/Noor Khamis

Atheist group in Kenya tests boundaries of religious tolerance

The furore over atheism in Kenya comes at a time of slow but steady growth in the number of people unaffiliated to any religion, thanks to religious discontent and access to scientific knowledge.

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