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Articles on Media literacy

Displaying 21 - 40 of 40 articles

How can you tell the news from the noise? pathdoc/

4 ways to protect yourself from disinformation

As the 2020 elections near and disinformation campaigns ramp up, an expert on media literacy offers advice you can use to develop habits to exert more conscious control over your news intake.
Facebook announced Jan. 6 it will remove videos edited to mislead in ways that ‘aren’t apparent to an average person,’ and are the product of artificial intelligence or machine learning. Here, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg testifies at a hearing at the U.S. House Financial Services Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, Oct. 23, 2019. AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

Deepfakes: Informed digital citizens are the best defence against online manipulation

The abilities to detect and analyze deepfake videos is of the utmost urgency. Deepfakes are a serious threat to people’s security and our democratic institutions.
Media critic and educator Neil Postman’s 1985 book ‘Amusing Ourselves to Death’ warned of the dangers when all media is entertainment, especially when people lack critical media literacy skills. (Shutterstock)

The urgent need for media literacy in an age of annihilation

Students – and indeed all of us – must learn to ask questions about what stories are told, and the implications of what stories are not being told.
Texas Tribune reporter Jay Root interviews New Mexico State Land Commissioner Aubrey Dunn along Highway 652 near the Texas-New Mexico border. Marjorie Kamys Cotera for The Texas Tribune/Courtesy of NewsMatch

How local journalism can upend the ‘fake news’ narrative

A recent survey found that Americans trust local media outlets far more than national ones.
YouTube has been under fire for exposing kids to harmful content. How can you keep your children safe and what are some safe viewing options? (Shutterstock)

Can you keep your kids safe watching YouTube?

YouTube has been under fire for exposing kids to harmful content and recently announced new measures but these don’t go far enough. Here are some suggestions that would make a real difference.
Journalism students at Oaklea Middle School, Junction City, Oregon. Journalistic Learning Initiative

How a journalism class is teaching middle schoolers to fight fake news

Students in high school now will be eligible to vote during the 2020 election cycle. How can we prepare them to become informed citizens in an era of misinformation, where anyone can publish anything?
'Secrets' via

How should you read unnamed sources and leaks?

With an explosion of media outlets that don’t adhere to mainstream journalistic standards, it’s became difficult for readers to know whether to trust reports based on unnamed sources and leaks.

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