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Articles on Neuroscience

Displaying 281 - 300 of 693 articles

Do you have a magnetic compass in your head? Lightspring/

New evidence for a human magnetic sense that lets your brain detect the Earth’s magnetic field

Your brain’s sensory talents go way beyond those traditional five senses. A team of geoscientists and neurobiologists explored how the human brain monitors and responds to magnetic fields.
A headache is not from your brain itself hurting, but it might mean some of the muscles, membranes and tissues surrounding the brain or its blood supply system could be hurting. Shutterstock

Curious Kids: what is a headache? Is it our brain hurting?

The brain itself can’t actually feel pain. It can’t sense damage to itself the way your finger can. We know this because people can have brain surgery while they are totally awake.
Your brain is about 70% water. Shutterstock

Curious Kids: how much does a brain weigh?

An adult brain weighs about 1.5kg. It’s mostly water with some fat, protein, sugar and a dash of salt. Sounds like pancakes, I know, but I once tried chicken brains and, well, pancakes are tastier.
Harnessing adolescents’ readiness to help can be good for them and their communities. YAKOBCHUK VIACHESLAV/

Adolescents have a fundamental need to contribute

Teens get a bad rap as selfish, dangerous risk-takers. But neuroscience and psychology research is revising that image: Adolescents are primed to help those around them, with positive benefits for all.
Travelers at Miami International Airport on Jan. 18, 2019 wait in long lines, in part due to the government shutdown. Lynne Sladky/AP Photo

Stressed out by shutdown chaos? 4 evidence-based tools to help you cope

The stressful political climate worsened with the shutdown of the federal government. And even though a break may be in sight, even the uncertainty adds stress. A neuroscientist offers ways to cope.
White nationalists clash with protesters at the Aug. 12, 2017 Charlottesville, Va. rally that turned deadly violent. Steve Helber/AP Photo

The politics of fear: How fear goes tribal, allowing us to be manipulated

Fear is very much a part of humans’ survival. Demagogues and others who want to manipulate have learned that this human trait can be exploited, often with disastrous consequences.
There seems be an attractive quality to things that are ostensibly unhealthy or dangerous. Alisusha/

What’s behind our appetite for self-destruction?

Edgar Allen Poe, Sigmund Freud and cognitive scientists have all wrestled with the human tendency to behave in ways that are irrational and self-defeating.

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