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Articles on Online privacy

Displaying 221 - 240 of 264 articles

Big Data can and is being used for good, but greater transparency is required to remove the ‘creepy’ factor.

Taking the ‘creepy’ out of Big Data

Big Data has a reputation for being creepy; the domain of “Big Business” and “Big Government”. At best it’s the driver of relentless advertising, uniquely targeted and eerily reminiscent of our most recent…
Where is this building? It really doesn’t matter. brionv

Google is unlikely to avoid UK courts on privacy

The question of accountability under national law for the wrongs committed by international companies has been debated and litigated for many years in many different courts and across many different countries…
New privacy rules are coming, and Australian websites will have to smarten up their act.

Value your privacy? Few Australian websites do

On March 12 2014, the way Australian organisations will have to handle online privacy is going to change significantly. We investigated whether these organisations are ready and found in most cases, they’re…
Young children cannot consent to personal information being shared online, or understand the possible implications. Lotus Carroll

Posting a child’s life for the world to see is a privacy issue

Children consistently delight and surprise us, and make us hoot with laughter. It’s only natural to want to share these moments with friends and family. But the trend of posting information about our young…
Like butter wouldn’t melt: Francis Maude thinks we’re doing pretty well on cybersecurity. Cabinet Office

The UK government is working in a Snowden-free bubble

Anyone who took the time to read the UK government’s latest update on its cybersecurity strategy could be forgiven for thinking that a man called Edward Snowden never existed. Most people who are even…
The backlash against state surveillance is growing stronger by the day. ubiquit

A digital rights bill means nothing without basic state compliance

More than 500 high-profile names, including authors, musicians and five Nobel laureates, have signed a petition to the United Nations calling for a bill of digital rights to be developed in the wake of…
Data protection may soon come at a price. Randomskk

Hard evidence: how much is your data worth to you?

Data privacy is on our minds like never before. In a relatively small amount of time many of us have gone from carrying out our daily transactions in person to conducting them digitally. We pay energy…
How do you keep your private info under lock and key? IntelFreePress

Explainer: what is perfect forward secrecy?

Twitter has announced it is introducing perfect forward secrecy to help users protect their information from spies and cyber-criminals. Even if we don’t realise it, we all rely on cryptography when we…
With more internet users going dark, will tech companies follow them? Owen's/Flickr

US tech companies could go ‘dark’ to regain trust

With each new revelation of the scope of the American National Security Agency’s spying, perceptions of the importance of privacy are hardening around the world. Systematic monitoring of the world’s communications…
Twelve winters of grief for Hrothgar, for he had clicked ‘agree’ without reading to the end. Helen Stratton

Google’s terms and conditions are less readable than Beowulf

Have you ever tried reading Beowulf and decided it was a bit too hard to follow before giving up? How did you get on with War and Peace? If you struggled with either of these notoriously unwieldy classics…
Google plans on ditching cookies as a personal identifier and going with an in-house version. Mark Poblete

No more cookies: Google wants to own the whole bakery

The indelible digital footprint associated with your internet usage is worth gold to others. Around the world, online advertisers are expected to spend around $117 Billion this year alone. And it’s Google…
It turns out Australians really do care about online privacy – but is there a disconnect with lawmakers? Robby Mueller

The Australian public cares about privacy: do politicians?

Two documents released this week highlight divergent views among the community and politicians. The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) yesterday sought to reinforce its legitimacy…
You’re going to have to try a bit harder if you want to be really anonymous. moirabot

Silk Road bust unmasks our misconceptions on anonymity

The US National Security Agency and the UK’s GCHQ have upped the stakes in the battle for internet privacy by targeting users of Tor. Not only have the NSA documents leaked by Edward Snowden up until this…
It may be closed, but Silk Road was not the only online avenue to illegal goods and services.

End of the Silk Road: how did Dread Pirate Roberts get busted?

You’ll have seen the owner of notorious online marketplace Silk Road, Ross William Ulbricht, was arrested in a San Francisco public library on Wednesday, California time. But how does the administrator…
Still together but the spark is gone. CoreForce

More of us are online, but we feel pretty meh about it

The number of people in Britain who are using the internet has risen substantially, reaching 78% of the population aged 14 years and over as compared with 59% in 2003. But according to the latest survey…
Banking is global at every level. Get used to it and decide what’s important. Hakan Dahlstrom

Pick your battles when fighting financial spying

Another day brings yet another “revelation” based on documents leaked by Edward Snowden. This time, Der Spiegel revealed the details of an NSA programme known as “follow the money”, through which the agency…
Legally, you’ve agreed to have your emails scanned – but what about morally? enggul

Your emails are all scanned – and that’s what you agreed to

According to Nobel Laureate Gabriel García Márquez, “all human beings have three lives: public, private, and secret”. It is in our nature to want privacy, yet in the internet age, it has never been easier…
You might want to forget that picture, but the internet won’t. Miia Ranta

The internet will never forget you … if you’re British

Justice ministers from across Europe sat down in Brussels yesterday to discuss some tricky issues for internet privacy, one of the most controversial of which was the right to be forgotten. After the NSA…

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