Xavier J Mills, Swinburne University of Technology and Sal Clark, Swinburne University of Technology
The government has decided against including questions about sexuality and gender identity in the 2026 Census. How can it make policy for LGBTQI+ people without such basic data?
A century ago, a pioneering sex researcher challenged the idea that respectable women did not – and should not – experience sexual desire or have sex, except to please men or have children.
Adults have blamed porn for many things recently, including harming teenagers. We asked teens what they thought and their opinions paint a complex picture.
The season three scene between Colin and Penelope got more than a few hearts racing. It’s a refrenshingly rare onscreen portrayal of a larger women in a passionate, sexual encounter.
Dating apps have changed how men interact with women when pursuing heterosexual relationships. A sexuality scholar writes about her experiences online, and her observations on changing masculinity.
Tina Chronopoulos, Binghamton University, State University of New York
In ancient Rome, male followers of the goddess Cybele, known as Galli, some of whom surgically removed their testicles, were often considered feminine.
For the first time since gender identity was added to the Sex Discrimination Act, it’s being tested in court. At its heart, the case looks at the rights and recognition of transgender people.
Whether LGBTQIA+, or sceptical of romantic love as the best foundation for their family, many are looking to the Internet to find co-parenting partners with whom to raise a child.
Those in Spain who have objected to Jesus being portrayed as ‘effeminate’, ‘camp’ or ‘sexualised’ seem to imply that there is something wrong or deviant about such portrayals.
Why do gay men generally earn less than heterosexual men, and lesbian women more than heterosexual women? New research aims to find out why, and how LGBTQ+ inclusivity can be improved.
We must be careful not to misgender or misidentify people of the past – especially if our only evidence for how they might have identified comes from hostile writers.