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Articles on Stroke

Displaying 141 - 157 of 157 articles

Clot-busting drug for stroke patients

New research has found better rates of recovery for patients who are administered a clot-busting drug within six hours of…
Approximately 53,000 people are affected by stroke each year, at the cost of $1.3 billion. Axel Bührmann

Getting to the heart of the matter on stroke

A silent killer is stalking many families across Australia, taking victims with little notice while driving a black-hole in the country’s health budget. But a simple pulse check may be enough to detect…
A woman drinks using a robotic arm, something she hasn’t been able to do with her own arms for 15 years. Nature

Brain-controlled robotic arm toasts success with a drink

The world of brain-machine interfacing (BMI) has a new posterchild. A study on people with tetraplegia, published in Nature, has shown participants were able to control a robotic arm and hand over a broad…
Sperm is injected into an egg cell using a microscope at an IVF clinic. EPA/Waltraud Grubitzsch

IVF babies at greater risk of heart problems in later life

Babies born through IVF procedures are at greater risk of developing heart problems, according to research that suggests “manipulating nature in this way may have some adverse results”, an Australian IVF…
Burgers at Hungry Jack’s in Australia contain more salt than at stores in other countries. AAP/Edwina Scott

Salt levels in Australian fast food ‘well above acceptable’

Fast foods in Australia contain less salt than their equivalent in the US but more than in France and Britain, a comparison of meals at major chain stores such as McDonald’s and KFC has found. Elizabeth…

Scientists solve century-old mystery of clot-busting enzyme

Australian researchers have discovered how a blood clot-busting enzyme is activated, unlocking a century-old atomic riddle that could lead to new treatments for clotting and bleeding disorders, and some…

Facetime app used to diagnose strokes

Facetime, two-way video software on the iPhone 4, can be used to diagnose strokes, according to a new study from Emory University…

Call for stroke treatment review

Doctors are under-utilising crucial medication to prevent deadly strokes in those with a common type of heart condition…

Vitamin E reduces stroke damage

Regular doses of vitamin E may reduce brain damage in stroke victims, according to researchers at a US university. Researchers…

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