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Historic: weather patterns similar to what’s causing the drought in California are happening in Brazil. Hudsӧn/flickr

Megacity drought: Sao Paulo withers after dry ‘wet season’

The same persistent weather pattern bringing hot, dry conditions to California is likely connected to a punishing drought in the Sao Paulo area in Brazil.
The Reverend Pinckney’s casket enters Emanuel Church. Brian Snyder/Reuters

Why Charleston?

A sixth-generation South Carolinian asks why Dylann Roof thought he could start a civil war in a historic black church in gentrified Charleston.
The president reacts to the news of the shooting in Charleston, South Carolina. Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

Obama and the N-word

What does it mean for any president, much less a black one, to use such a word?
People in Columbia, SC speak out. Perry B McLeod

Is the Confederate flag unconstitutional?

Does the Confederate flag tell African American citizens that they are inferior? And if so, does that violate the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment?