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A woman waits behind a Cuban flag for the arrival of Fidel Castro’s funeral procession in Esperanza, Cuba. AP Photos/Natacha Pisarenko

Religion shapes Cuba despite Castro’s influence

Under Fidel Castro, Cuba declared itself as an atheist state. Castro’s relationship with religion, however, was far more complex. It left a deep impact on the religious identity of Cuba.
What if this was our choice on Election Day? AP Photos/Gary Landers and Paul Sancya

How majority voting betrayed voters again in 2016

In this year’s election, the system of majority voting didn’t allow voters to express their opinions adequately. If they had, the choice would have been between Kasich and Sanders.
Dr. Kofi Amegah of the University of Cape Coast, Ghana, installing a small air sensing unit built by the University of Massachusetts. Kofi Amegah

Can we rely on DIY air pollution sensors?

Citizens and activists are using cheap off-the-shelf sensors to collect their own data on air pollution. It’s a promising trend, but these devices have serious technical limitations.
Suzi Ailes, right, and Kris Smith study schoolwork for SusQ-Cyber Charter School in their home in Milton, Pennsylvania. AP Photos/ George Widman

What cyber charter schools are and why their growth should worry us

What Betsy DeVos, an advocate of school-choice initiatives and President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for education secretary, as well as the rest of us need to know about cyber charter schools.
In the early stages of his campaign, Donald Trump eagerly made himself available to the press. As president, that’s likely to change. Joe Skipper/Reuters

Experts’ roundtable: The future of journalism in Trump’s America

How can journalists resist a master media manipulator, reach local communities and sift through fake news and propaganda? Media experts explore the challenges of covering the next administration.
Trump’s victory may accelerate the ‘attack on the middle class.’ Reuters/Rebecca Cook

Why America’s labor unions are about to die

Labor’s decline has steadily eroded the prospects of working-class Americans, fueling the backlash that propelled Trump. His election, however, will likely deliver unions a knockout punch, hurting his supporters most.
Whitespotted surgeonfish (Acanthurus guttatus), found in the Indo-Pacific, crop the upper portion of algae while feeding, preventing macroalgae from becoming established on reefs. Kevin Lino/NOAA

Understanding the conditions that foster coral reefs’ caretaker fishes

Plant-eating fish control the spread of seaweed and algae on coral reefs. New research explaining why populations of these fish vary from site to site could lead to better reef protection strategies.
Image of teens walking via

Where Latino teens learn about sex does matter

Understanding where teens learn about sex and how that influences them can help us find ways to encourage healthy sexual behaviors, such as using condoms and birth control.
A woman holding a picture of Castro and Chavez waits to pay homage to Castro in Havana on Nov. 28, 2016. AP Photo/Ricardo Mazalan

Questions I never got to ask Fidel Castro

A former British ambassador to Cuba, now a professor at Boston University, still has a few questions for the late Cuban leader.