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A Black man holds up a sign during a Reparations Task Force meeting in Los Angeles, California on Sept. 22, 2022. Carolyn Cole / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images

Reparations over formerly enslaved people has a long history: 4 essential reads on why the idea remains unresolved

Former enslaved persons have never received a dime for their labor. Nor have their descendants received reparations for the legacy of slavery. Should the descendants be paid? By whom and how much?
China and the U.S. compete to be the world’s largest economy, but the dollar dominates the yuan as a currency. peng song/Moment Collection/Getty Images

War in Ukraine might give the Chinese yuan the boost it needs to become a major global currency – and be a serious contender against the US dollar

Despite China’s economic power, the yuan lags as a major global currency. Here’s why current US interest rates and sanctions on Russia may change that.
Despite the promise of drugs that can help people shed pounds, healthy lifestyle choices are still key to overall health. Zing Images / DigitalVision via Getty Images

Drugs that melt away pounds still present more questions than answers, but Ozempic, Wegovy and Mounjaro could be key tools in reducing the obesity epidemic

Anti-obesity medications are becoming the go-to treatment for weight loss. But drugs alone may not provide the same benefits as lifestyle choices like exercise and a healthy diet.
Spider-Man Miguel O’Hara, who first appeared in the 1992 comic series ‘Spider-Man 2099,’ was the first Latino superhero to assume a starring role. Marvel Database

‘Across the Spider-Verse’ and the Latino legacy of Spider-Man

Latino characters have traditionally been underrepresented in mainstream comics. But Spider-Man’s backstory makes him the perfect superhero to be recast as a minority.
The U.S. Capitol, where on May 31, 2023, the House passed a debt limit deal on a bipartisan vote. AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

House approval of debt ceiling deal a triumph of the political center

The news media spent a lot of time reporting on how much progressive Democrats and conservative Republicans didn’t like the debt ceiling deal. But centrists had enough votes to pass it in the House.
A prayer altar in the main gathering hall at the temple Wat Ratchapradit in Bangkok, Thailand. Pictures from History/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

What is Theravada Buddhism? A scholar of Asian religions explains

Theravada Buddhism is the dominant religious system in several parts of South and Southeast Asia, but there is a rich diversity of beliefs and practices in this tradition.
Uber wealthy couples are rather traditional when it comes to who works and who doesn’t. EXTREME-PHOTOGRAPHER/E+ via Getty Images

Most super rich couples have breadwinning husbands and stay-at-home wives, contrasting sharply with everyone else

While most heterosexual couples are dual-earners, super rich couples continue to have gender-traditional arrangements in which the man is the sole breadwinner.
Cytomegalovirus belongs to the same virus family, Herpesviridae, as cold sores and chickenpox. Callista Images/Image Source via Getty Images

Cytomegalovirus lies dormant in most US adults and is the leading infectious cause of birth defects, but few have heard of it

Although testing for CMV during pregnancy isn’t routine and there isn’t universal screening for infants, there are steps pregnant people can take to protect themselves and their newborns.
Opioid neurotransmitters are located in many areas of the body, including the brain, spine and gut. ALIOUI Mohammed Elamine/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Your body naturally produces opioids without causing addiction or overdose – studying how this process works could help reduce the side effects of opioid drugs

Unlike opioid drugs like morphine and fentanyl that travel throughout the body, the opioids your body produces are released in small quantities to specific locations.
Study groups and quizzes can help, but one studying technique stands out above the rest. Hill Street Studios / Getty Images

What it takes to become a spelling bee champ

The road to becoming a champion speller is made easier with support from family and friends, but ultimately it depends on an individual student’s commitment to learning, a scholar writes.