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Organoids can replicate each component of the human heart, from its chambers to its veins. Yonatan R. Lewis-Israeli et al. 2021/Nature Communications

Engineering mini human hearts to study pregnancy complications and birth defects

Human heart organoids allow researchers to study the developing heart while avoiding the ethical issues of using human embryos and the imperfections of animal models.
Moral injury can occur when someone must act against their values – but also when they cannot act in line with their values. Fly View Productions/E+ via Getty Images

Medicine doesn’t just have ‘conscientious objectors’ − there are ‘conscientious providers,’ too

Medical workers navigate their own moral and religious beliefs, professional standards, the law and the realities of clinical work – which can be especially complicated in abortion care.
A ‘divest from death’ banner at a University of Oregon protest against the Israel-Hamas war on April 29, 2024. AP Photo/Jenny Kane

Divesting university endowments: Easier demanded than done

Divestment from Israel may violate state laws – at least for public institutions. Private universities with large endowments may face other obstacles.
Dads have stepped up to do more hands-on parenting over the past few decades. Abraham Gonzalez Fernandez/Moment via Getty Images

Brain study identifies a cost of caregiving for new fathers

One of the first longitudinal studies of male brain changes across the transition to first-time parenthood finds that becoming a dad affects the brain – without the direct experience of pregnancy.
The E. Barrett Prettyman Federal Courthouse in Washington, D.C., houses the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. AP Photo/ Evan Vucci

Section 702 foreign surveillance law lives on, but privacy fight continues

Privacy advocates lost out when Congress reauthorized Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act without major reforms. But the renewal fight returns in 2 years.