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Negotiations between members of the United Nations Command and North Korean counterparts in 2013.

What is the right response to North Korea’s fourth nuclear test?

U.S. forces in South Korea are on high alert after North Korea claimed to have tested a hydrogen bomb last week. But China may be better positioned to curb North Korea’s menacing behavior.
Hold it right there. Michael Dalder/Reuters

What makes a ‘smart gun’ smart?

President Obama’s call for better electronic gun-safety systems put a spotlight on the technologies currently in the R&D pipeline that aim to make sure only authorized users can fire a gun.
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) was often referred to as the Bureau of Livestock and Mining in the 19th century. U.S. Bureau of Land Management

The twisted roots of U.S. land policy in the West

What explains the anger behind the Malheur occupation in Oregon, and why does the BLM own so much land in the West?
Solar downtown: state-level policies led to a surge in solar adoption and energy efficiency measures in the late 2000s. Massachusetts Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs

The Paris Agreement: the first local global environmental pact

States and regions are taking the lead on climate change action and, so far, are seeing economic and environmental benefits.
It takes more than protest: demonstrators at a 2012 climate change conference in Doha, Qatar. Omar Chatriwala/flickr

Playing ‘serious games,’ adults learn to solve thorny real-world problems

How can diverse societies agree on strategies for tackling complex problems? Lawrence Susskind and Ella Kim of MIT explain how role-playing games can help people learn to collaborate.
US Secretary of Defense Ash Carter leaves Israel with business undone. July 21, 2015. Carolyn Kaster/REUTERS

It’s too late for a two-state solution in Israel-Palestine

Demographic changes have made the idea of a two-state solution obsolete. The Israeli population is becoming more religious and more conservative. That makes the army more difficult to command.
The Malheur National Wildlife Refuge is part of a complicated history of land in the western US. US Fish and Wildlife Service

Malheur occupation in Oregon: whose land is it really?

Like much federal land in the US West, the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge has a long history tied to Native Americans’ plight and conflicts between settlers and the federal government.