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Americans have come to expect abundant clean water, but there are many stressors on water quality and availability. Jessica/flickr

Solving water challenges is complex – learn how law, health, climate and Indigenous rights all intersect in developing solutions

A webinar hosted by The Conversation brings together experts in law, health, policy and Indigenous affairs to explain some of the most pressing problems related to water in the US.
Retrofitting apartment buildings for energy efficiency and solar power can boost affordable housing and climate protection. AP Photo/Steven Senne

Using green banks to solve America’s affordable housing crisis – and climate change at the same time

Massachusetts is establishing the first US green bank dedicated to sustainable affordable housing. Three experts in climate finance explain why better housing can help rein in global warming.
The Wesleyan Chapel in Seneca Falls, N.Y., where on July 19 and 20, 1848, the first women’s rights conventions in the U.S. were held. Epics/Hulton Archive via Getty Images

175 years ago, the Seneca Falls Convention kicked off the fight for women’s suffrage – an iconic moment deeply shaped by Quaker beliefs on gender and equality

Most of the convention’s core organizers were Quakers. The religious movement’s beliefs about men and women’s equality before God has shaped members’ activism for centuries.
A refugee from the Democratic Republic of Congo registers his fingerprints on a biometric machine in Uganda in 2022. Badru Katumba/AFP via Getty Images

Registering refugees using personal information has become the norm – but cybersecurity breaches pose risks to people giving sensitive biometric data

Capturing biometric data helps UN agencies and other groups avoid the risk of fraud and increase efficiency. But the practice is complicated and has created security risks for vulnerable groups.
Too few children means China needs to look outside the country for new blood. Zhang Peng/LightRocket via Getty Images

China needs immigrants

Chinese politicians have looked toward policies to encourage couples to have more children to offset population decline. It hasn’t worked.
The volatile mix of deepfakes and political campaigns is a good reason to be on guard. Sean Anthony Eddy Creative/E+ via Getty Images

Events that never happened could influence the 2024 presidential election – a cybersecurity researcher explains situation deepfakes

AI can manipulate a real event or invent one from thin air to create a ‘situation deepfake.’ These deepfakes threaten to influence upcoming elections, but you can still protect your vote.
Affirmative action for college students in Brazil led to better employment prospects for those who benefited from the policy. Cesar Okada via Getty Images

What the US can learn from affirmative action at universities in Brazil

Research has found that race-neutral policies were not enough to achieve diversity in Brazil’s higher education system. Three scholars probe what that means for the United States.
Photos claiming to be UFO evidence are often doctored or otherwise ambiguous. Ray Massey/The Image Bank via Getty Images

Why people tend to believe UFOs are extraterrestrial

While UFO videos might seem compelling, they’re rarely backed up with evidence. A sociologist explains why claims of alien life gain traction through both social and mass media every few years.
U.S. Rep. Carolyn Maloney speaks during a press conference in December 2022, calling to affirm the Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution. Alex Wong/Getty Images

Democrats revive the Equal Rights Amendment from a long legal limbo – facing an unlikely uphill battle to get it enshrined into law

Women’s rights groups and politicians have pushed, ultimately unsuccessfully, for the Equal Rights Amendment to become part of the Constitution for the past several decades.
Widespread skepticism toward COVID-19 vaccines took some scientists by surprise. Eric Lee/The Washington Post via Getty Images

Religion shapes vaccine views – but how exactly? Our analysis looks at ideas about God and beliefs about the Bible

Specific beliefs may have more to do with people’s vaccine views than their religious affiliation – but it depends on which vaccine you’re talking about.