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Building relationships with colleagues outside of work is important for career development. 10'000 Hours/Digital Vision via Getty Images

Fishing, strip clubs and golf: How male-focused networking in medicine blocks female colleagues from top jobs

By surveying over 100 people in academic medicine, a researcher found that women are consistently excluded from important networking activities like watching sports, drinking at bars and playing golf.
There are even more types of viruses in the ocean than researchers once thought. newannyart/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Researchers identified over 5,500 new viruses in the ocean, including a missing link in viral evolution

Viruses do more than just cause disease – they also influence ecosystems and the processes that shape the planet. Tracing their evolution could help researchers better understand how viruses work.
The cognitive difficulties that accompany mental health disorders can potentially lead to misdiagnoses and improper treatment. Elva Etienne/Moment via Getty Images

Mental health problems come with an added ‘cost’ of poorer cognitive function – a neuropsychologist explains

While only about 20% of people would qualify for a formal diagnosis of a mental disorder, more than 60% express symptoms of those disorders – and those symptoms can lead to cognitive difficulties.
A caution sign marks the Hanford Nuclear Reservation near Richland, Wash., where plutonium for nuclear weapons was made. Jeff T. Green/Getty Images

Russia is sparking new nuclear threats – understanding nonproliferation history helps place this in context

Despite decades of progress on nonproliferation, Russia’s new threats of nuclear strikes bring to mind that convincing countries to reduce their nuclear weapons has long been very difficult.
From thalidomide to Viagra, drug repurposing salvaged failed treatments by giving them new targets. smartboy10/DigitalVision Vectors via Getty Images

Repurposing generic drugs can reduce time and cost to develop new treatments – but low profitability remains a barrier

Drug repurposing can redeem failed treatments and squeeze out new uses from others. But many pharmaceutical companies are hesitant to retool existing drugs without a high return on investment.