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Los abortos eran conocidos y practicados en tiempos bíblicos, aunque los métodos diferían significativamente de los modernos. Win McNamee via Getty Images

Lo que la Biblia realmente dice sobre el aborto puede sorprenderte

La ausencia de una referencia explícita al aborto no ha impedido que sus oponentes o defensores busquen en la Biblia apoyo para sus posiciones, dice una profesora universitaria de estudios bíblicos.
Driving into floodwater, as this vehicle did in Sonoma County, Calif., on Jan. 5, 2023, can be extremely dangerous. Josh Edelson/AFP via Getty Images

Flood forecasts in real-time with block-by-block data could save lives – a new machine learning method makes it possible

The majority of flood-related deaths involve vehicles in water. What if flood models could warn of the risks street by street using real-time storm forecasts? Machine learning can make it possible.
The TikTok social media app has raised concerns about cybersecurity and online safety. Future Publishing via Getty Images

Dozens of US schools, universities move to ban TikTok

School officials are becoming increasingly wary of TikTok amid concerns that the app poses a risk to student safety and privacy and makes the nation vulnerable to spies.
Many viruses interact with the olfactory system, and can damage other areas of the brain through it. Mohammed Haneefa Nizamudeen/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Vaccination to prevent dementia? New research suggests one way viral infections can accelerate neurodegeneration

Inflammation and damage to the olfactory system from shingles, COVID-19 and herpes infections may contribute to Alzheimer’s disease.
Fictional anchorman Ted Baxter, center, flanked by newsroom boss Lou Grant and colleague Mary Richards, on ‘The Mary Tyler Moore Show’ in 1970. Bettmann/Getty

Fictional newsman Ted Baxter was more invested in fame than in good journalism – but unlike today’s pundits, he didn’t corrupt the news

Today’s anchors on politically slanted news programs feed anger and polarization with their wild claims. Their ancestor is a character from ‘The Mary Tyler Moore Show’ – with one big difference.