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View of the Friendship 9 students who protested against racial discrimination and were put in prison, Rock Hill, South Carolina, February 1961. Afro American Newspapers/Gado via Getty Images

‘Our ultimate choice is desegregation or disintegration’ – recovering the lost words of a jailed civil rights strategist

A long-lost letter from prison by a civil rights activist provides a window on the pivotal role protesters in South Carolina played in fighting segregation.
Finding the best tour from A through B, C and D and back to A might not be that hard, but adding a few more destinations could give you a headache. wundervisuals/E+ via Getty Images

Planning the best route with multiple destinations is hard even for supercomputers – a new approach breaks a barrier that’s stood for nearly half a century

The traveling salesperson problem is so difficult that practical solutions can never be perfect – only good enough. The challenge is coming up with the best approximations.
Even though people are ready to venture out and socialize, many are fearful. And some also remember those who lost their lives and want to be careful in their memory. RealPeopleGroup/Getty Images

Anxious about going out into the world? You’re not alone, but there’s help

As more people become vaccinated, many of them are eager to resume their social lives. And yet, many are fearful, and some may not want to return to life as they previously experienced it.
Tampa Bay’s sea grass meadows need sunlight to thrive. Algae blooms block that light and can be toxic to marine life. Joe Whalen Caulerpa/Tampa Bay Estuary Program via Unsplash

Water being pumped into Tampa Bay could cause a massive algae bloom, putting fragile manatee and fish habitats at risk

Harmful algae blooms are an increasing problem in Florida. Once nutrients are in the water to fuel them, little can be done to stop the growth, and the results can be devastating for marine life.
A COVID-19 patient in an ICU unit in a hospital in Capetown, South Africa, in December 2020. A variant emerged in South Africa that has since spread to other parts of the world. Other new variants could emerge elsewhere. Rodger Bosch/AFP via Getty Images

How worried should you be about coronavirus variants? A virologist explains his concerns

As the US vaccinates millions more people each day, the novel coronavirus works to survive. It does this by mutating. So far, several variants are worrisome. A virologist explains what they are.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo faces an investigation over an alleged pattern of sexually harassing and intimidating women employees. Brendan McDermid/Pool/AFP/via Getty Images

Power imbalances are at the root of sexual harassment – but statements like Andrew Cuomo’s don’t acknowledge that inconvenient fact

Men accused of sexual harassment, including New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, often refer to their accomplishments in their responses. Their power is their defense, and it blinds them to their victims’ suffering.
Whether just comfortable at home or nervous about leaving, kids may need extra support to get back out there. Imgorthand/E+ via Getty Images

Here’s how to help your kids break out of their pandemic bubble and transition back to being with others

After more than a year of isolation and empty schedules, some kids might be apprehensive or anxious about interacting with the outside world. Psychology experts provide tips to ease the transition.
Schools that build trust with their communities can reduce fears surrounding reopening. Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Building trust among parents and teachers is key to reopening schools

With distrust for school officials prevalent during the pandemic, an educational historian calls attention to the need for officials to have more positive relations with educators and parents.