Women in rural Malawi, outside an AIDS hospital. AIDS was the first of the ‘new’ pandemic threats, after bird flu.
Author provided.
An active outbreak of a type of bird flu in China raises concerns about worldwide pandemics. Ebola and Zika viruses still threaten. Here’s why this is not the time to cut funding.
AIDS advocates moved global health onto the international agenda.
After 35 years, AIDS has changed the way the globe thinks about health, culture, and politics.
Treatment has transformed the outlook for people living with HIV from almost certain death to a manageable chronic condition.
Athit Perawongmetha/Reuters
Despite the breakthroughs in HIV and AIDS research, without an effective vaccine, the world will not get to zero new infections and deaths.
A man lights candles as part of a World AIDS Day event in Jakarta.
Globally, the health community is moving to a point where there could be zero new HIV infections or deaths. But it has been a long road.