For Nigeria’s new security chiefs to succeed, there is the need to depoliticise, demilitarise, and optimise operational capabilities of the armed forces.
A new proposal also puts pressure on presidents to evaluate their foreign policy objectives more clearly to determine whether military action is, in fact, appropriate.
Mali’s president and prime minister have just been arrested and dismissed by the military junta which brought them to power in the first place a few months ago. How did this happen?
When troops are injured in the line of duty as a result of negligence, they would have a limited time to take legal action, according to proposed changes.
Army physicians are turning to drugs approved for other conditions or newly developed treatments such as the antiviral Remdesivir to treat infected personnel.
New research suggests the partners of UK military personnel may experience greater levels of depression and binge-drinking compared to women in the general population.
Many current and former US military leaders call climate change a serious national security threat, but few of them mention the Defense Department’s big carbon footprint.