Led by a Black businessman named Bob Douglas, the New York Rens, who played their first game on Nov. 3, 1923, became one of the best basketball teams in the country.
The organization – which offers its high school-age players a minimum salary of $100,000 – represents a new model for young athletes looking to maximize their earning potential outside of the NCAA.
I was part of the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry into police race discrimination. The new drama is a reminder of how far we still have to go to tackle institutional racism.
In the NFL, anti-Black racism shows up in the disparities between concussion settlements to injured athletes. The amounts of the payouts are determined using assessments that rely on racist science.
Even though Maryland college football coach DJ Durkin has been fired, his 11th hour ouster will not rid college football of some of its deepest problems, argue two scholars on race and college sports.
Although University of Maryland football player Jordan McNair died from heatstroke during practice, his death also resulted from a culture that exploits black players, says a professor who studies race and sports.