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Articles on Breasts

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Men have nipples because of a quirk in how embryos develop. But that’s only part of the story of this seemingly redundant body part. from

Why do men have nipples?

How embryos develop, evolution and sexual pleasure all help explain why men have nipples. But ‘man boobs’ are a different story.
Breast density appears white or bright on mammograms – so do breast cancers. Tomas K/Shutterstock

Women should be told about their breast density when they have a mammogram

Women with dense breasts are more likely to develop breast cancer. Density also makes it harder for doctors to detect breast cancer on a mammogram.
Topless women gather near Iceland’s parliament in 2015 for the Free the Nipple campaign. AAP Image/NEWZULU/Halldor Sigurdsson

No, you’re not ‘hardwired’ to stare at women’s breasts

What is often overlooked in discussions about the sexual appeal of breasts is that they have not always been regarded as irresistibly attractive in all points in history and across all cultures.

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